I Have No Intention of Saying Good-bye
Five or more years after the death of their children, 25 families open their hearts and share stories of courage, hope and attempts to make sense out of the most unbearable loss of all. They speak of what they did to move on with their lives, to make each day meaningful again, while remembering their child. In addition to helping themselves, learn how these parents help others and what advice they give to those still having difficulty living in a world without their child.
Creating a New Normal... After the Death of Child
This book is available for all bereaved parents, friends, grandparents, siblings and grief organizations. It consists of over 80 articles of coping techniques and informational skills to help any bereaved parent as they move through the grief process. An abundant resource section is also included as is 10 meaningful stories from parents. Learning to rebuild their life with purpose is what all bereaved parents strive to attain. Using the ideas from those who have been there and readjusting them to fit thir own situation can give the practical and emotional support needed.